Hiya! Welcome to my webpage! It's still a pretty big work-in-progress, but I'm hoping to have more stuff to add soon! I hope you enjoy your stay!
So... what is this place?
This is my own little corner of the web! It's a personal place where I can put all sorts of things that make me happy! Modern social media tends to stress me out, so this website is meant to be a place where I can get away from it all.
(NOTE: This website looks best on a computer! There is a mobile version of the site, but it doesn't contain as much detail as the desktop version.)
!! NEWS !!
UPDATE: 1/15/2023
BIG UPDATE DAY! A lot has changed, so here's a list of everything that's different:
- Massive visual overhaul (styled after the Digimon DS games)
- Added a Jukebox
- Minor edits to the Pokémon clock
- Added the guestbook
- Added a site button
- Edited the 404 page
- Changed the favicon
I've still got a lot that I want to add, so hopefully I'll be able to update again soon!
UPDATE: 12/31/2022
Happy New Years Eve! I've updated the Pokémon clock, so now it both looks better and works better (you can also click on the Pokémon for a surprise)! I've also customized the 404 page a little, so it's not just a blank page anymore.
UPDATE: 12/30/2022
This update was TECHNICALLY supposed to be for yesterday, but I worked on the site for so long that the date changed without me realizing. Anyways, I've made more progress on the site. I'm especially excited about the Pokémon clock I added. I'm not done with it yet (I need to finish writing some captions and fixing the mobile version), but I'm liking how it's looking so far!
UPDATE: 12/28/2022
Created the site, and started adding stuff! I still have a long ways to go, and I've got a lot of placeholder stuff everywhere, but so far I think things are looking nice. I'm really excited to have a website that I can fully customize! Hoping to add more stuff soon!
- Finish welcome page
- Figure out what I actually want to put on my site
- Actually create the pages in the nav bar (they don't go anywhere yet lol)
- Clean up code
My site button!
(88px by 31px)